Brethren, it is clear before us today that we are living in times where we must make a choice about whom we will continually serve. Just like Joshua said to the people of Israel in Joshua 24:15. With all that is happening around us today, the world, the devil and the flesh presents us with all kinds of offers daily via the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.
So, this is certainly not the time for us to become lukewarm at all in our walk with God. Rather, we are called to befully committed and devoted to our Lord Jesus Christ who gave up Himself for us and is at the right hand side of ourfather God making intercession for us.
We are called to be set apart from the world. See 2 Timothy 2:20-22 and Romans 12:1-2. We are to perpetually stayon fire for God and remain filled with the Spirit if we truly desire to live in perpetual victory and stand for Christ tillthe end. Or else, we will easily get swayed and become defeated by all that the devil and our flesh offers in the world.
2 Timothy 2:20-22 NIV;
In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
Living a consecrated life to God simply means constantly surrendering ourselves to God’s will and seeking to do His will every day of our lives. And this requires us letting go of our own agendas, prioritizing God’s agenda over ours and continually embracing His plans for our lives.
Our Lord Jesus Christ serves as our ultimate example of a consecrated life to God. He lived His life on earth fully devoted to God and His will. We are to always look to Him and walk in His ways. 2 Corinthians 3:18, ESV says “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.”
It is our kingdom responsibility as believers in Christ Jesus to live in a way that clearly reflects the life of our Lord Jesus Christ and that shows the world that we are truly set apart. Our lives ought to always point people to Jesus Christ and His transformative power of love.
Living a consecrated life to God entails being deeply and completely devoted to Him, with every fiber of your being –body, soul, and spirit. And here’s what it looks like:
- You constantly surrender your will to God. A consecrated life involves willingly submitting your desires and plans to God’s divine purpose for your life. And this requires acknowledging that God’s will is superior over anything and trusting in His directions.
- You have an undivided, undistracted and undying devotion to God. You see, being consecrated to God also means dedicating not only your spiritual life but also your physical and emotional well-being to Him. It includes nurturing a healthy body, cultivating a sound mind, and cultivating emotional resilience, all to the glory of God.
- You consistently seek His presence. A consecrated life is marked by a constant hunger for God and perpetual pursuit of God’s presence. This means you deliberately set aside time for fellowship with God daily, allowing the revelation knowledge of His word to shape your thoughts, words, decisions and actions.
- You live a life of integrity under every circumstance. Consecration demands living a life of honesty, integrity, and moral uprightness. This means aligning your attitudes and behavior in the world with God’s principles and continually striving to be a reflection of the character Jesus Christ in every aspect of your life.
- You serve God and others selflessly. A consecrated life is not self-centered but rather focused on serving God and others wholeheartedly at every given opportunity. It involves using your God-given gifts, talents, time or resources to serve God, bless and uplift those around you, by demonstrating the love of God through acts of kindness, giving, compassion and support.
- You nurture a sacrificial mindset. Consecration requires a willingness to sacrifice personal desires and comforts for the sake of God’s kingdom and to be a blessing to others. It means being ready to step out of your comfort zone, take risks, and make choices that are in line with God’s purposes, even when it may be challenging.
- Praying to God regularly and spending quality time with His word becomes a joy and anticipated activity to you.
- You seek the Lord for every decision and you’re careful to live a life that is untainted by the corruption in the world.
- You become more mindful about what God thinks or says about you than what the world thinks about you.
Furthermore, we know today’s world often values and prioritizes materialism, individualism, and instant gratification more. So, embracing a life of consecration to God amidst all these craziness in the society may sometimes seem kind of counter-cultural. It’s like swimming against the tide. However, we know that this provides us with opportunities to always strengthen our faith in God, to grow up spiritually and to pursue the purpose of God for our lives.
More so, living a consecrated life to God often requires that we keep standing firm without compromising in our faith and in the guiding principles of God’s word. Our secular world today often challenges our stand on the principles and culture of the kingdom of God in different areas of the society. Therefore, it requires God’s grace and strong conviction to remain firm our faith in God.
Embracing a consecrated life allows you to be a beacon of light, demonstrating the transformative power of living in Christ Jesus amidst a sea of skepticism, temptations, deceptions and compromise. Embracing a consecrated life redirects your focus towards God and His purpose for your life. By committing or dedicating yourself to a life of prayer, bible study, kingdom service, and obedience to the leadings of the Holy-Spirit, you discover and develop a keen sense of purpose that transcends any worldly pursuits.
Living a life of consecration to God also requires cultivating lots of intentional spiritual disciplines, to nurture your fellowship with God. These intentional spiritual disciplines gives you a solid foundation for navigating the challenges and temptations of the corruptions in the world. Thereby, helping you to remain steadfast in your commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Embracing a consecrated life to God in a corrupt society also offers you unique opportunities to witness Jesus Christ to others. Because, as you authentically live out your faith in Jesus Christ, you get to inspire and encourage those around you. Your actions, words, and attitudes can serve as a powerful testimony of the transformative power of the life and love of God through Jesus Christ.
By living a consecrated life to God in today’s corrupt world, it is also important that you seek out like-minded, spiritually growing believers who share a similar commitment to a life of holiness and consecration to God. This also serves as support, encouragement, and accountability, helping you to navigate the challenges and celebrate the joy of living a consecrated life to our Lord Jesus Christ.
And finally, brethren, as you continue to live a consecrated life to God, your faith in Him begins to shine brightly and bear much fruit. By staying connected to Jesus Christ, the vine (John 15), you are able to embrace a consecrated life that allows you to live out your faith in a way that impacts everyone around you. Moreover, God entrusts you more with greater kingdom responsibilities as you choose to live a consecrated life.
And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. Acts 20:32.
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